How to install Google Chrome in KALI linux 2.x or 2016.2 and above

As you know KALI 2016.2 is out as an internal build , which most of us love already. Also, we love Google Chrome, but these two ( Kali Linux 2.0 and Google chrome ) does not work well ( except when you do it right ).

Install Google Chrome in Kali Linux

Step 1 : Get Chrome .deb file
You need to download chrome .deb file from official Chrome download page to install in your machine. Go chrome download page and download .deb file as your machine configuration.

Step 2 : Installing .deb file using dpkg

Let's install downloded .deb file, for that open terminal and change directory where you downloded your chrome .deb and type following commands.
cd Downloads
Above command will change your directory, then use following command
root@kali:~/Downloads# dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

If you are getting some dependencies error then install following package by typing command in terminal

 root@kali:~/Downloads# apt-get install libappindicator1

Once you have installed following package then issue the following command and all dependencies will get install
apt-get -f install
And now package manager will install all required dependencies and you will see chrome is installed.

Step 3: Now comes the issue, you cannot run Chrome, yet
Here you will get irritated when try to open installed chrome and it will not open even you will not get any error pop up on screen. Actually this is happens because of root login , so before starting chrome you have to create a standard user and switch user through terminal  open up chrome, create user by following command

adduser 1tech
 Now switch user in terminal using
su - 1tech
Now just type google-chrome and you will get chrome pop-up on your screen.

That's it in this way you can use VLC working also if you getting error with vlc opening in KALI.

Updated on 16-Jan-2017 (How to remove chrome or any other application file using dpkg) 

How to remove Google Chrome in Kali linux 

dpkg -r google-chrome-stable
This will remove chrome package. above used -r is short for --remove. You have noticed that in case of --remove you have only given the "google-chrome-stable" while in case of --install you have used hole package name including .dev . Here --remove will configuration file for the package on your system.

However, you might want to erase the configuration files too, so dpkg also provides a --purge option. dpkg --purge google-chrome-stable will permanently delete every last file associated with the google-chrome package.  

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